Bolle Festsäle, Berlin
Cathrin Möller

Cathrin Möller

Fullstack developer at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH

Cathrin is a full stack developer, architect and UX and CSS enthusiast and working as a Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting since 2014. She has a broad experience from multiple client projects ranging from mature enterprise projects as well as development from scratch. Therefore she knows common pitfalls and a lot of best practices that she likes sharing in talks.


  • Perceived faster Angular applications talk

    Angular is a powerful all-in-one JavaScript Framework and therefore a common choice for Enterprise applications. But many developers complain that Angular is too slow compared to more lightweight UI-only Frameworks even though Ivy has improved performance significantly. Insights into the bootstrapping process of an Angular application will provide you some ideas how to load data or configuration upfront. Usability improvements using shimmer animations or parallel backend requests can mask slow data fetching and allow you to reduce the perceived waiting time for website users. Tips and tricks for loading animations and caching strategies will be explained.